Commonfund Institute Online
A robust online learning tool and resource for finance staff, boards and investment committees of nonprofit organizations and other select institutions.
Designed with You in Mind
Commonfund Institute Online is designed for fiduciaries of nonprofit institutions and other select long-term investors who want to become a more effective leader, board or investment committee member or steward as the investment environment continues to evolve and become more complex.
Learn at your own pace
Designed for long-term investors
Earn Continuing Education Credits

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Course Topics That Matter to You

Governance and Policy
It is crucial to have the appropriate resources at your disposal when managing long-term pools of capital. Our online learning platform offers comprehensive governance and policy courses to assist your investment committee and board members in familiarizing themselves with the best practices in the industry.

Investment Strategy
Building successful portfolios requires careful time and comprehension. Our courses provide a comprehensive overview of various strategies to incorporate into your asset allocation, allowing for a thorough analysis of their advantages and risks.

Program Directors
George Suttles
Executive Director
Commonfund Institute
Allison Kaspriske
DirectorCommonfund Institute
Learn more from some of our frequently asked questions
Commonfund Institute Online curriculum is available to most long-term investors and those who hold roles as finance staff, boards of trustees, investment committee members and senior staff of nonprofit organizations and other select institutions.
If you receive an email invitation from Commonfund please follow the steps to register. If you did not receive an email please contact for assistance on how to get access to the platform. At this time there are no prerequisites required to get access to Commonfund Institute Online content.
At this time there is no limit to how many people can register for Commonfund Institute Online.
Please have them email to request access.
There is no cost to enroll in Commonfund Institute Online courses.
We are offering continuing education credits (CPE) for the sessions where indicated. If you would like to receive CPE credits for your time you must check the box to indicate so when registering for access to the platform.
You will receive 1 credit for each 50 minutes of course time if you follow all of the guidelines and meeting the criteria indicated for each delivery method in the platform.
To be awarded credits for QAS Self Study courses you must watch 100% of the course video, answer all knowledge checkpoints for each course, score 70% or better on the qualified assessment accompanying each course and complete each course survey.
For Group Internet Based courses credits are provided after confirmation of attendance using Zoom timestamps, interaction with the presenter, recognition of code words and completion and submission of the course survey.
Upon completion and verification of all criteria above you will be able to download your certificate automatically from the Commonfund Institute Online platform. It will also be available in your "My Settings" page on the platform.
The courses on Commonfund Institute Online will be available until Commonfund Institute determines the content is no longer relevant or the course is refreshed.
We strive to develop a curriculum that is relevant across most types of nonprofit and other select institutions. Each year we seek to provide educational courses that offer timely and relevant information for the nonprofit sector and the investment management industry as they relate to the governance of endowed assets. All of the courses we release are done so with the intent to promote best practices in the stewardship of perpetual funds.
Please email for assistance.
Please email for assistance.

What Our Registrants Have To Say
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Ray Sanchez
Lorem ipsum dolor amet consec tur elit adicing sed do usmod zx tempor enim minim veniam quis nostrud exer citation.
Ray Sanchez
Lorem ipsum dolor amet consec tur elit adicing sed do usmod zx tempor enim minim veniam quis nostrud exer citation.
Ray Sanchez
Lorem ipsum dolor amet consec tur elit adicing sed do usmod zx tempor enim minim veniam quis nostrud exer citation.