Considerations for Ensuring the Health and Well-Being of Your Organization
- January 2023
- 1 hour 27 minutes
- Governance & Policy
Course Description
Perspective is defined as the ability to understand what is important and what isn't. As a fiduciary it is critical to your role to recognize and put into practice what is important for the longevity of your institution. We’ve outlined three areas we think are most important in ensuring the health and advancement of your organization. In this session we’ll examine these three points in detail and provide strategies you can use to implement them in your own organization.
Thinking strategically and positioning for the long term while staying flexible and remaining open to new ideas.
Committing to reviewing the investment policy statement every two years.
Why and how diversity of experiences, backgrounds and points of view strengthens investment committee and organizational effectiveness.
Define “perspective” and identify why it is valuable for those with responsibility for nonprofit governance to keep in mind
List the ways boards are often preoccupied with matters that divert them from a focus on core issues
Differentiate between the various impediments standing in the way of board and committees setting better strategy and fulfilling it
Identify the principal elements or components of an investment policy statement
List the steps a board/investment committee should take when performing their annual/bi-annual review of their institution’s IPS
List the reasons why an institution that is unable to diversify its board and/or committee may lead to them being unable to fulfill other capabilities
List the key questions institutions should ask when working towards diversifying its board and staff
Course Information:
- Cost: Free
- Program Level: Intermediate
- Duration: 1 hour 27 minutes
- CPE Credits: 1.2
Yolanda Coentro
The Institute for Nonprofit Practice
Rosalee Sheehy Cates
Senior Advisor and Executive in ResidenceThe Giving Practice
Jim Taylor
VP of LeadershipBoardSource
Dr. Devona Williams
Founder/CEOGoeins-Williams Associates